Sparkle Salt Painting

Join us on Thursday, January 30th from 4:00pm – 5:00pm for a fun and sparkly art night. You will use salt, sparkles, and watercolor paints to create a beautiful, unique masterpiece. For youth and families of all ages. Please register.

Nintendo Switch Gaming Club

Drop into the library on the second and fourth Thursdays each month from 5:30 – 7:30pm for our Nintendo Switch Gaming Club to meet and play with other Switch gamers. You can bring your own device or sign up to take a turn on the library’s Switch set up. A sign up sheet will be … Continued

B. Y. O. Book Club

Do you struggle to connect with assigned reading but love to read? Do you want to tell others about the books you love and hear recommendations from other readers? Try Bring Your Own Book Club!  Each month we will choose a theme or element for the club and then you get to choose a book … Continued

Open Tech Help Hours

If you have tech questions the library can help! Stop into the Thorndike Room on any Friday from 12 – 2 with your devices and questions, and our tech specialist Aidan can help! They can help with things like: accessing email, setup of a new device, learning why your phone does that weird thing, and … Continued

Art Club

Meeting the first Tuesday of each month join us for Art Club at the library from 5:00pm – 6:00pm. You can bring your own project or try something new at one of the art stations we will have set up. Materials are first come first serve and while supplies lasts. For ages 10 and up.

Anime Club

Anime Club is back at the Palmer Public Library! Every first and third Thursday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm you are invited to come by the library to watch anime and chat with other fans while enjoying Asian inspired treats. For youth ages 10 – 14. Click HERE to register.